Sports acupuncture and muscle groups

Do you have Pain Muscle Pain Muscle tension Sports injury Acupuncture Motor point acupuncture Sports acupuncture Knee pain Hip Pain Glute amnesia Drop foot Plantar Fasciitis. Tight ITB Back pain Shoulder pain Sports acupuncture and muscle groups If you are alive and over the age of 30 the chances are you already have suffered muscle…

Sports Acupuncture a new frontier

Do you have Pain Muscle Pain Muscle tension Sports injury Weak muscles Acupuncture Motor point acupuncture Sports acupuncture Knee pain Hip Pain Glute amnesia Drop foot Plantar Fasciitis. Tight ITB Back pain Shoulder pain Sports Acupuncture – a new frontier in treating pain and injury The secret is out. Get faster results for injury and…

Products For Pain

Do you have: Pain Chronic pain Stiffness Cramps Arthritis Nerve pain Period Pain Endometriosis Best products for pain What supplements do we use when we have pain  When our practitioners or our families complain of stiffness, pain or sore muscles after the gym we reach for our tool kits in the BB dispensary. We don’t…


Do you need a massage? Massages are seen as a luxury, or an indulgence but getting the right massage is no more a luxury than a good night’s sleep! There are so many benefits of a good massage from an experienced practitioner and they are backed by numerous studies. The most obvious is for pain…

Still Evolving

We are still evolving

Until recently it was thought that our species had stopped evolving far in the past. In fact, by peering into the human genome we have been able to see that our biology continues to change to suit particular environments. Most of us feel breathless in high mountain air because our lungs must work harder to…