cosmetic acupuncture

How does acupuncture micro-needling stimulate collagen and reduce wrinkles?

Facial acupuncture using micro-needles can stimulate collagen production and reduce facial wrinkles. But how? The needles stimulate the body’s immune system and wound-healing mechanisms. As the acupuncture micro-needles penetrate the skin this causes micro-wounds and triggers an inflammatory reaction that begins a cascade of subsequent reactions. The skin’s nerve receptors and defence mechanisms sense these…

Inflammation and it’s role in Acne

This is the second part in our acne series blogs. Part 1: ‘Hormones and Acne’ can be read ‘here’ In our first blog we wrote about the role of hormones in acne. Another major contributor to acne is inflammation. Inflammation is part of our body’s defence system. It is our body’s protective response to something…