Do you have
- Pain
- Muscle Pain
- Muscle tension
- Sports injury
- Acupuncture
- Motor point acupuncture
- Sports acupuncture
- Knee pain
- Hip Pain
- Glute amnesia
- Drop foot
- Plantar Fasciitis.
- Tight ITB
- Back pain
- Shoulder pain
Sports acupuncture and muscle groups
If you are alive and over the age of 30 the chances are you already have suffered muscle pain. It could have come from playing sport, working too long in one position, trauma, an accident that you never really healed properly from, surgery, the aging process and even long term tension.
Your body is made up of over 600 interconnecting muscles and you can’t avoid moving them in your day to day so at some point there is going to be damage.
With all this – muscle pain at some point is unavoidable. But that doesn’t mean you should live with the pain.
Muscles are amazing because they are flexible and can change quite quickly when given the right treatment. Massage is lovely but rarely can get to the really deep muscles – especially without the client feeling pain and therefore will not address blood flow to the area.
Many people have heard of dry needling. This is used to treat trigger points on the muscle that is holding on to noxious chemicals and can be released with the acupuncture needle but this is just part of the story and won’t help if you have weak or tired muscles that do not fire as they should. Nor will it address long term tightness.
What is the answer? Sports Acupuncture
In recent years the acupuncture profession in the USA has developed more sophisticated treatments for pain and can do, what used to take weeks of rehabilitation now can be done in one or two treatments .
Our team are trained and experienced in sports acupuncture and can
Our experience takes us across the following areas:
- Upper Trunk pain – neck, shoulder, upper back
- Lower and mid back pain.
- Knee pain
- Hip Pain
- Glute amnesia
- Drop foot
- Plantar Fasciitis.
- Tight ITB
We are able to release muscles that have been tight for years and get firing muscles that have been dormant or weak for too long. BOOK IN for an initial appointment or call us on 0403273008